Profile PictureMaria Luisa Engels

I am Maria Luisa, a business consultant and artist who specializes in creating sketchnotes about business and personal development. I have a solid professional background of 25+ years of experience in corporations in the automotive industry, where I held senior positions in finance and tax. In 2017, I transitioned into a career as a consultant, trainer, coach, and speaker. My areas of expertise are resilience, leadership, psychological safety, and team building with special focus on applied neuroscience. I have trained and coached hundreds of individuals, teams and global companies in industries such as automotive, healthcare, IT, or logistics. I am passionate about sharing my expertise to help organizations and individuals adapt to change enhance team work and innovation. I love to paint and have regular exhibitions and I have found a way to combine my passion for art and business in the form of sketchnotes and visual summaries. I also provide commissioned sketchnoting services to companies and teams on specific topics. If you are curious about my services please feel free to book an appointment at:

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Free Resilience Test


5 High Impact Visuals: "All About Sleep"

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Visual Summaries Book: Team Work

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Visual Summaries Book: Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

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Visual Summaries Book: New Work

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Visual Summaries Book: Decision Making

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Visual Summaries Book: Culture

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Visual Summaries Book: Change

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Visual Summaries Book: Communication

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